Thursday, August 23, 2007

Nueva Ojos

I wish I was good enought with words to give you an accurate mental picture of how beautiful it is here but I don´t think even Shakespeare could do that. I wake up every morning at 5:30 am to the sound of birds chirping and roosters crowing. I sit up and I can feel the cool morning mountain breeze on my face and smell the fruit growing on all of the trees. Right outside of my bedroom door leads to the garden where I have a front row view of the beautiful mountains and the volcano lit up by the sun rise.I love Costa Rica. I have never loved anywhere more and I don´t think I ever will. America will never be the same to me.


biggy said...

I'm first, I'm first!!!!!!Beat you T. Sadie girl you got to break out that camera and post some pics so the less fortunate can appreciate the beauty that is Costa Rica.

Tania Rochelle said...

I hate you, Biggy! Shitdang.

I'm excited about this bloggy. Yes, pics please.

Jennifer said...

HI, Sadie!
We've never met, but I met your mom in college when she worked at the Gyro Wrap and dated a guy named Danny who was such a huge lush that he used to drink beer in the shower. Welcome to blogland! I'll create a link from my page to yours since you are one of Tania's spawn and all.

Tracie Mae said...

Eventually you'll start blogging entirely in spanish and I'll have to use that free translator website.

(BTW - I'm one of your mom's students)

Tania Rochelle said...

Jennifer! Shut your trap.

Gaga said...

SADIIIIIEEEEEE... I miss you and love you!

Tania Rochelle said...

C'mon! A new post please!

Irizzle said...

fuck america!

Irizzle said...

fuck america!